Please enjoy the fourth story in our series “The Loving Kindness Project”: Support on my Journey with Breast Cancer
In May 2002 I saw a small lump in my right breast that was later confirmed as breast cancer. It was shocking as I never saw the lump before that morning.
My husband had died in 1996 with bone cancer and I was still in mourning. I took care of him for nine months.
I had a friend that I met a few years before, after the death of my husband – let me call him Mr. C. Mr. C was a tower of strength to me: financially, emotionally, and spiritually. He was my cook and helped me with my shopping, along with the help of a few of my family. He took me took my doctor’s appointments and when he thought I was feeling down, he was my comfort.
I never thought about dying because all I was thinking was that I was going to live. I had to fight this cancer because I saw the pain that my husband went through, pain I shared with him. By the Grace of God I was determined to fight this thing. All along the way Mr. C. was there with support. It was with his strength and support that I was able to take a vacation to England in 2003.
Yes, I did meet with people with negative talk but my desire was to live. I gave my life completely over to God because with his help he took me through it all. He placed friends and family in my life and I could not ask for better.
In 2004 I got baptized and dedicated my life to God to give him thanks for all he has done for me. To all those who I can encourage and give support in their tough times I will by the Grace of God.